A compassionate heart is one indication of a spirit-controlled life, as we read in Galatians 5:22-23. A believer must not only show compassion to those of like social standing, but must reach out to the most unlovable with the love of Christ, whatever their need. Genuine compassion will tug at your heart to do all you can with no strings attached.
One winter evening several years ago, my youngest daughter Karen and a girl friend walked to a café near downtown Chicago to study and enjoy a snack together. They were students at a nearby Bible college. Approaching the café, they noticed an intoxicated man with no coat shivering on the steps.
Karen was wearing a new warm winter jacket and instinctively, her compassionate heart wanted to give the man her jacket. Her friend discouraged her. Police had been called and, arriving about the same time, also discouraged Karen from following the urges of her heart. “Most likely he wouldn’t even wear a woman’s jacket, or would sell it for more alcohol.”
But as the cold drunken man was taken away, Karen gave him her jacket despite the misgivings of those around her. She never knew what happened to him, but a compassionate heart doesn’t need to know the outcome of its generosity.
The cold man had no coat, Karen had other coats, her compassionate heart prompted her to share, and she did it. Whether the man appreciated her compassion is unknown, but we do know the Lord looks down and sees each act of kindness done in Jesus’ name.
The people who tried to discourage Karen saw the compassion of her heart displayed in an act of kindness. She could have shared with them what God said to Moses: “I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion” (Romans 9:15b).
Don’t pass up your next opportunity to show a compassionate heart, and don’t be dissuaded.
Paul J. Twist
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