It starts out seemingly innocent. He forgot his wallet, so you decide to foot the bill. He didn’t return your phone call, so you decide to call him again. His car broke down at the last minute, so you give him your keys “just this once.” You’re friends are starting to miss you at the usual hangout because you’re not around as much anymore.
However, a few months pass and you find yourself broke because you’re always paying, you’re sick to your stomach because you haven’t heard from him today, and your friends aren’t speaking to you anymore because you haven’t picked up the phone “just in case he’s trying to get through.” You’re wondering if you’re crazy because you’ve started to do “drive-bys.” You know what I mean: you have to go to the grocery store, so you just happen to take the route that goes past his house (and makes your trip five miles longer). However, since he has had your car for the last week, you have to walk, which ends up being better…now, car-less in the night, you find it easier to stealthily walk around the house and peek in the windows at will.
Perhaps these examples are extreme to you, or perhaps you’ve experienced something like this or even worse. Regardless of the level of your actions, I am sure I can relate, as can many women in our society today. A trend is sweeping the nation: men are sitting back because women have stepped up to woo and win their man, only to be disappointed (and often hurt) in the end.
Maybe “woo” is too much of an old-fashioned word for you, or maybe in today’s society it is completely appropriate and almost expected of a woman to “chase” after her man. Regardless, most women are not all that proud to step up and say, “YES! I woo men!” I would venture to say that women like to think of themselves as treasure to be cherished, and most of us know that, even when we do woo and win a guy, it doesn’t leave us feeling so valuable in the end.
God set up very clear expectations and guidelines of the right position of a man and a woman in a relationship, but due to our inherent and sinful natures, we have put God’s advice on the back-burner to get our way, right away. Little did the women’s movement know that we have killed the very nature of a man by taking his job of “the chase.” Women, we need to re-claim the throne of patience and realize that the man God has for us is worth the wait.
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